Hello, hello! Long time no post! I just don't know whats going on, I feel like I have all the ideas to post, but when it comes down to get work down, all the ideas just vanish! Maybe I am just too tired from work. Just so you can imagine, this week we had this BIG function for 240 people, so imagine having to do desserts thinking about all of those people, but it all went fine, even though I had to run up and down the stairs like a crazy person, but, oh well, its all in the past.
Olá, olá! Há um tempinho que já não publico nada! De facto, não entendo o que se está a passar, porque tenho imensas ideias de coisas por publicar, mas falta-me aquela motivação de me sentar com o computador e por as mãos à obra. Talvez esteja demasiado cansada, só para terem uma ideia, esta semana houve uma marcação para 240 pessoas, e ter que preparar sobremesas para um número assim tão elevado não é nada facíl, mas correu tudo bem, incluindo o facto de ter que andar a subir e a descer as escadas feita uma louca, mas já passou, então toca a preocupar-me com coisas novas.

Como todos sabemos eu, gosto demasiado da linha Naked da Urban Decay, e hoje percebi que nunca publiquei nada sobre Naked Basic, que é uma palete de cores básicas, como o nome diz. É pequena e tem 6 sombras. Sabem quando pensam nas cores mais normais de sombras e vem-vos sempre um certo conjunto de cores à cabeça? É este o caso. São cores nude e vamos ser sérios, nude dá para TUDO E TODOS! então é perfeita.

O facto de ser pequena permite que se possa levar para todo o que é bastante prático e como já tinha dito, as cores são neutras, então podem ser usadas a qualquer altura e e com tudo.
This look I created is something pretty simple and I think its better to be used in the office or during the day, because is simple and very basic. Though, if you want, you can make it bold by using more black on the outer corners of your eyes and passing some eye liner on your lower lash line.
O que fiz é algo bastante simples e acho que é algo mais prático para se usar para o trabalho ou durante o dia, até porque é simples e básico. Contudo, se quiser, pode transformar em algo mais forte usando mais preto nos cantos exteriores dos olhos e pondo lápis na linha d'água inferior.
Além da palete irá precisar de corretor, rímel e delineador à sua escolha.

Primeiro, comece por preparar as suas sobrancelhas e pondo corretor nas olheiras. Depois, ponha Foxy nos cantos internos e um bocadinho na pálpebra e de seguida ponha Naked 2 na pálpebra inteira.

Segundo, ponha Faint no côncavo e misture com a sombra da pálpebra e para terminar, ponha Crave nos cantos externos do olho.

Terceiro, com o delineador preto faça uma linha por cima da linha das pestanas e acabe como quiser, pode fazer um cat eye ou outra coisa qualquer. E como nenhuma maquilhagem está completa sem rímel, ponha uma boa quantidade de rímel tanto nas pestanas superiores como nas inferiores.

Pode combinar esta maquilhagem com um batom ou gloss neutro ou algo mais forte de acordo com as suas preferências. Também não precisa de usar esta palete especificamente para conseguir re-criar esta maquilhagem, use só cores semelhantes.

Para que saibam, a UD também já tem a venda a Naked Basic 2, que contém tons taupes.
And really GOOD news, Urban Decay will be launching 'The Vault', which contains the 3 famous palettes, Naked, Naked 2 and Naked 3, 3 Naked Flushed palettes - Naked, Native and Streak, along with 3 24/7 Glide on Double Ended Eye Pencils and 3 shades of Naked Ultra Nourishing Lipgloss, Nooner, Rule 34 and Streak. It all costs 280$ USD and its limited edition. I do think its that expensive, because the price of all of it together is 390 USD.

E para terminar, ÓTIMAS noticias. A Urban Decay vai lançar O Vault, que contém as 3 famosas paletes, Naked, Naked 2 e Naked 3, 3 paletes de Naked Flushed - Naked, Native e Streak, juntamente com 3 24/7 Glide on Double Ended Eye Pencils e 3 cores de Naked Ultra Nourishing Lipgloss nas cores Noover, Rule 34 e Streak. O preço é de 280 USD e é uma edição limitada. Não achei muito caro porque o preço de todos os produtossão 390 USD.
Do you also have this palette? What do you think about it?
Também tem esta palete? O que acha dela?
You can now find me on instagram - ineeesmv ;)
Podem também encontrar-me no instagram - ineeesmv ;)
Bem isso é que foi preparar sobremesas!!! A maquilhagem está linda! Perfeita para usar durante o dia!
Hello friends! My Name is Wendy from Canada i have had a lot about Dr AKHERE on his good work, for bringing back lost relationship but i never believe because so many spell caster scam me because of my husband who left me and three kids over a year and two months. so a good friend of mine introduce me to Dr AKHERE just because my condition was so bad and the responsibility in my matrimonia home was more than me. my husband left me to another woman just because i don't have male child for him. so i email Dr AKHERE and told him everything, he told me not to worry that my husband will come back and i will have a male child for him. he only told me to believe on him that after casting the spell my husband will come back immediately and beg for forgiveness. he real did it for me and my husband come back to me in the nest two days. i was very happy and thanks dr AKHERE. so, i was in this situation (April 18 2014) i told Dr AKHERE that i will start shearing his testimony to every one in the word if he make me to have a male child to my husband. and he also did it as am shearing this testimony to every one out dear, that am with my new bouncy baby boy. now i believe that i am the happiest woman on earth because Dr AKHERE restore my life in my matrimonial home you can thank him for me or email him for urgent help in any bad situation i promise you he will also help you; his email address is Email him: AKHERETEMPLE@gmail.com or
Hello friends! My Name is Wendy from Canada i have had a lot about Dr AKHERE on his good work, for bringing back lost relationship but i never believe because so many spell caster scam me because of my husband who left me and three kids over a year and two months. so a good friend of mine introduce me to Dr AKHERE just because my condition was so bad and the responsibility in my matrimonia home was more than me. my husband left me to another woman just because i don't have male child for him. so i email Dr AKHERE and told him everything, he told me not to worry that my husband will come back and i will have a male child for him. he only told me to believe on him that after casting the spell my husband will come back immediately and beg for forgiveness. he real did it for me and my husband come back to me in the nest two days. i was very happy and thanks dr AKHERE. so, i was in this situation (April 18 2014) i told Dr AKHERE that i will start shearing his testimony to every one in the word if he make me to have a male child to my husband. and he also did it as am shearing this testimony to every one out dear, that am with my new bouncy baby boy. now i believe that i am the happiest woman on earth because Dr AKHERE restore my life in my matrimonial home you can thank him for me or email him for urgent help in any bad situation i promise you he will also help you; his email address is Email him: AKHERETEMPLE@gmail.com or
Essa paleta e linda!
ReplyDeleteAmei a maquiagem.
These colors look amazing on you. I like that you put Crave on the outer corner -- gives it a lovely pop. :] // itsCarmen.com ☼ ☯
ReplyDeleteI've been trying to figure out if I need to buy one of these palettes and I keeping thinking more and more that I definitely do. I love how you used the colours!
ReplyDeletewww.augustweekend.com | Jenn
Oh wow, such a super pretty look! I've been wanting this palette, so this is great inspiration :)
this is so great! i absolutely love it :D
é bem legal, mas não compraria por já ter a 2 e a 3.
MEU CANAL NO YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/natypottersena
Bem legal a paleta, só cores básicas mesmo, adorei a make... ficou linda!
Ines ... muito bom o post. Onde compraste? Eu quero todas. Tive uma mas perdi (pode?).lollol.
ReplyDeleteForça ai, e continua a escrever.
Bjhos e abraços.
Hello friends! My Name is Wendy from Canada i have had a lot about Dr AKHERE on his good work, for bringing back lost relationship but i never believe because so many spell caster scam me because of my husband who left me and three kids over a year and two months. so a good friend of mine introduce me to Dr AKHERE just because my condition was so bad and the responsibility in my matrimonia home was more than me. my husband left me to another woman just because i don't have male child for him. so i email Dr AKHERE and told him everything, he told me not to worry that my husband will come back and i will have a male child for him. he only told me to believe on him that after casting the spell my husband will come back immediately and beg for forgiveness. he real did it for me and my husband come back to me in the nest two days. i was very happy and thanks dr AKHERE. so, i was in this situation (April 18 2014) i told Dr AKHERE that i will start shearing his testimony to every one in the word if he make me to have a male child to my husband. and he also did it as am shearing this testimony to every one out dear, that am with my new bouncy baby boy. now i believe that i am the happiest woman on earth because Dr AKHERE restore my life in my matrimonial home you can thank him for me or email him for urgent help in any bad situation i promise you he will also help you; his email address is Email him: AKHERETEMPLE@gmail.com or
Hello friends! My Name is Wendy from Canada i have had a lot about Dr AKHERE on his good work, for bringing back lost relationship but i never believe because so many spell caster scam me because of my husband who left me and three kids over a year and two months. so a good friend of mine introduce me to Dr AKHERE just because my condition was so bad and the responsibility in my matrimonia home was more than me. my husband left me to another woman just because i don't have male child for him. so i email Dr AKHERE and told him everything, he told me not to worry that my husband will come back and i will have a male child for him. he only told me to believe on him that after casting the spell my husband will come back immediately and beg for forgiveness. he real did it for me and my husband come back to me in the nest two days. i was very happy and thanks dr AKHERE. so, i was in this situation (April 18 2014) i told Dr AKHERE that i will start shearing his testimony to every one in the word if he make me to have a male child to my husband. and he also did it as am shearing this testimony to every one out dear, that am with my new bouncy baby boy. now i believe that i am the happiest woman on earth because Dr AKHERE restore my life in my matrimonial home you can thank him for me or email him for urgent help in any bad situation i promise you he will also help you; his email address is Email him: AKHERETEMPLE@gmail.com or