Quando vou à feiras e parques temáticos não resisto por não passar pela barraca dos churros. Não sei porquê, mas adoro-os, desde o estaladiço ao açúcar e canela, incluindo também a massa fofinha que está dentro dos churros. Contudo, o facto de serem muitas vezes grandes, cheios de açúcar à volta e oleosos, faz com que me enjoe deles. E por não os comer a muito tempo, recentemente tive uma vontade divina de comer e fui à net ver a receita, meio desanimada pois achava ser algo de outro mundo.
When I usually go to carnivals and theme parks I can't resist not going to the churros stand. I don't know why, but I love them, from their crunchiness on the outside, to the sugar and cinnamon, without forgetting the fluffy pastry. However, the fact that they are usually big, with loads of sugar around and quite oily, makes me get sick of them. And for not eating them for quite some time now, I recently craved for them, and went online to see the recipe, feeling a bit gloomy because I thought it was something quite hard.
Para o meu agrado, é uma das coisas mais simples de se fazer, não sei porque, mas achava que seria necessário usar-se aquelas máquinas todas complexas, a sério, não faço ideia de porque tinha essa ideia na cabeça.
Assim que percebi quão fácil era, pus-me logo na cozinha. Para se fazerem os churros foi necessário :
* 1 chávena de água
* 1 colher de sopa de manteiga
* 2 chávenas de farinha de trigo
* 1 colher de sopa de açúcar
When I realized how easy this recipe was I went directly to the kitchen. For the churros you'll need :
* 1 cup of water
* 1 tbl spoon of butter
* 2 cups of flour
* 1 tbl spoon of sugar

First, you start by putting the water, butter and sugar on a pot on medium fire and stir it until the butter melts, and then until it starts to boil. When it happens add the flour and stir it until the pastry gets together and forms a ball. In case you're struggling to get the pastry together on the pan, you can put it on a bowl and work it or on a batter and with a hook spatula beat it until it forms a ball.

After that, put oil on a frying pan to warm. While that, put the pastry on a confectioner bag. When the oil is hot, put the pastry directly into the pan and fry them until they reach a brown color. Remove them from the frying pan and put the on kitchen paper. When the paper soaked the oil on the, put the churros on a sugar and cinnamon mixture and they are done!

You can always make a dolce de leche or a chocolate sauce to dip your churros. I had them with chocolate once and didn't appreciate that much, and I really want to try them with dolce de leche.
Os meus churros não ficaram compridos e nem finos e nem com os cortes lateirais pois não tinha o bico de pitanga e a massa começou a enrolar-se ao sair do saco. E quando determinar o tamanho desejado dos seus churros, pode cortar com uma tesoura de cozinha ou uma faca.
Como não gosto muito do açúcar à volta dos churros, costumo por mais açúcar na massa.
My churros aren't long or thin or with the proper shape because I didn't had the proper exit and the pastry started to curl as soon as it was out of the bag. When you determinate the size of your churros you can cut it whit a kitchen scissor or a knife.

Espero que tentem fazer e que vos traga memórias positivas das idas às feiras.
Hope you try to make it yourself, and that it brings you happy memories from the carnival.
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