If there is a make-up style that I really love and think its sexy at the same time and acceptable for a normal day, its Cat Eyes. Its quite a headache to do it when you don't know how to, but with time or experience you realize how easy it is. At the beggining I had a had time with it, mas then I got experience and now I do it in 2 minutes. Some time ago I found out a easy way to do it, and I wish I had knew it before, when I found out the eye-liner.
'E necessário fita-cola, eye liner e rimel. A base e o corrector 'e opcional.
You'll need tape, eye-liner and mascara. The foundation and concealer part its optional.
1. Primeiro limpa-se a pele, e se quiser ponha corrector e base.
1. First clean and prepare your skin, and if you want to, conceal what you need and put your foundation.

2. De seguida, corte 2 pedaços de fita-cola e ponha nos cantos dos olhos em direcao as suas sobrancelhas.
2. Cut the small pieces of tape, and stick them on the outter corner of yours eyes.
3. Faca a sua linha, pode ser grossa ou fina, como quiser. Pode cobrir o olho todo ou so 3/4.
3. Line your eye, it can be a thin or thick line. You choose. It can cover the whole eye or just 3/4.
4. Continue a sua linha traçando mesmo rente a fita-cola, de forma a fazer uma especie de trianguluzinho pequenininho de acordo com a grossura da sua linha. Deixe secar um bocadinho e tire a fita-cola. Se for necessario, corrija alguns erros que possa ter e tambem a base
4. Continue a sua linha traçando mesmo rente a fita-cola, de forma a fazer uma especie de trianguluzinho pequenininho de acordo com a grossura da sua linha. Deixe secar um bocadinho e tire a fita-cola. Se for necessario, corrija alguns erros que possa ter e tambem a base

4.Continue your line very close to the tape, and make a little triangle, according to the thickness of your line. Let it dry and remove the tape. If necessary, fix the mistakes and in need put on foundation to the places that the tape might have it removed.
5.Passe uma boa camada de rimel.
5.Put on some mascara, making tou lashes look as good as you desire.
Pode contrastar com um batom forte ou um batom claro. O que achar mais adequado para o evento que for.
You can wear it with a bold lipstick or with a light one, as you wish. And whats more apropriate to the place you're going to .
Boa sorte ;)
Good luck ;)
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