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Thursday, 31 October 2013
Monday, 28 October 2013
Ouro Sobre Azul
Geralmente quando me maquilho, faço algo relativamente simples mas que não deixe de chamar atenção, que 'e o caso de eye-liner e as megas pestanas com que ando geralmente. E para certos eventos mais requintados e se não tenho preguiça de me maquilhar, costumo fazer uma mistura de sombras em tons de castanho.
Usually when I do my make-up, I make something simple but, yet it catches every bodies eyes. Which is the case of my eye lined eyes and my super long and voluminous lashes that I normally do. And for some fancy events, if I am not too lazy to do my make-up, I do some kind of smokey eyes with brown shades.
No geral, raramente uso sombras coloridas - como azul, rosa, verde, amarelo, laranja, etc. Mas desde que comecei com o blog decidi começar a experimentar e tenho que dizer que há algumas coisas de que gosto e que ate era capaz de ir assim a certos eventos.
Normally I don't wear bright colors eye shadows - such as blue, pink, green, yellow, orange and what so ever. But ever since I started the blog I decided to try out more colors,and I could actually go out like that.
Quando comecei com o blog, o primeiro post era este este ( Pink & Gold ). E o rosa não 'e uma cor de que goste muito na minha maquilhagem, contudo não deixei de gostar do resultado.
When this blog started, my first post was this ( Pink & Gold ) make up. Pink its not a color that attracts me on make up, but I was happy with the results.
Ha uns dias, enquanto estava a procura de tutoriais de coisas para fazer no We♥it encontrei esta maquilhagem magnifica. Visto que tem o tutorial, decidi experimentar. Ate porque esta 'e uma combinação de que gosto - Ouro sobre azul.
A few days ago, while looking for some tutorials on We♥it I found this marvelous make up. Since it had the tutorial, I decided to try. Specially because is a combination that I do like - Gold and blue
Para criar isto usei :
Corrector - Erase Paste ( Benefit )
Sombra dourada - Naked palete - Half-Baked
Sombra castanha - Naked palete - Hustle
Palete 96 cores - Azul claro
Lápis preto.
Eye liner preto - M.A.C
Rimel ( Maybelline e Benefit )
I used
Concealer - Erase Paste ( Benefit )
Gold Eye shadow - Naked palette - Half Baked
Brown Eye shadow - Naked palette - Hustle
96 Colors palette - Light blue
Black eye khol
Black eye liner - M.A.C
Mascara ( Maybelline & Benefit )
Limpei a pele, dei um jeito as sobrancelhas e pus o corrector.
I cleaned my skin, prepared my brow and concealed my dark circles.
Pus a sombra dourada em toda pálpebra movel.

Put on gold eye shadow all over my eye lid.
Pus a sombra castanha nos cantos dos olhos.

Put the brown shadow on my outer corner.
Fiz um cat eyes por cima das sombras - aprender aqui .

Made cat eyes, on top of the shadows - learn here.
Passei a sombra azul rente a linha d'agua dos olhos.

Put on the blue shadow under my water liner.
Pus o lapis preto na linha d'agua.

Put on khol on the water line
Sétimo ( opcional )
Realçar as sobrancelhas com uma sombra mais clara
Seventh ( optional )
Highlight the eyebrows with a light shade.
Passei uma BOA e GENEROSA camada de rimel.

Put your mascara GENEROUSLY.
E ja esta.
Voile :D
'E muito simples, da para qualquer evento e também há a possibilidade de se alterar as cores.
I found it very simple, and its great because you can actually change the colors according to your outfit or whatever you feel like.
Boa sorte ;)
Good luck ;)
cat eyes,
eye liner,
make up,
urban decay
Saturday, 26 October 2013
Bolo de Bolacha - Biscuit Cake
Ha uma sobremesa que não resisto seja qual for a festa, e 'e o Bolo de Bolacha. Ja desde pequena adoro, mas nunca o tinha feito ate ontem, independentemente de ser facílimo.
The dessert that I always eat at parties no matter what is Biscuit Cake. I love this cake since a kid, and despite being easy to be made, I have never made it until yesterday.
A receita 'e mesmo simples, e não sei porque 'e que nunca a tinha feito antes.
Its very simple, and I really don't know why I have never made it before.
So 'e preciso :
2 Pacotes de Bolacha Maria
250 g de Manteiga
1 Chávena de chá de açúcar em pó
3 Gemas
O equivalente a 4 expressos de café.
You will need:
2 Packets of tea biscuits ( Bolacha Maria )
250 g of butter
1 Cup of icing sugar
3 Egg yolks
4 Expressos.
Primeiro : Bate-se a manteiga, ligeiramente amolecida, ate ficar com uma cor mais clara.
Segundo : Adiciona-se o açúcar, e continue a bater.
Terceiro : Adicione as gemas, e continue a bater ate ficar uma massa homogénea.

First : Beat the butter, until it reaches a lighter color.
Second : Add the sugar and keep on mixing.
Third : Add the egg yolks and keep on mixing it until its all mixed together.
Enquanto esta no processo de bater o creme, faca o cafe. E deixe arrefecer um bocado. Ponha açúcar no café.
While doing this cream, make the coffee. And let it cool down a bit and put sugar on it.
De seguida, molhe as bolachas no café e ponha-as em forma de circulo, com uma bolacha no meio, e por cima ponha o creme de manteiga - que serve de "cimento" -, ponha outra camada de bolachas e o creme por cima, e assim o faca ate acabar as bolachas. E cubra o bolo com o resto do creme. Em cima e dos lados

Next, wet the biscuits into the coffee and place them in a circle shape, with one of the biscuits in the middle, put the cream on top - it works as "cement " -, put another layer of biscuits and the cream, and keep on doing it until you finish all the biscuits. Cover the cake with the cream mixture. On top and on the sides.
Caso tenha algumas bolachas partidas, esmigalhe-as e ponha por cima do bolo.

If you have some broken biscuits, crumble them and put on top of the cake.
Leve ao frigorífico por 1 hora e meia.

Put on the fridge for 1 hour and a half.
E depois 'e só servir.
Serve it cool
Obrigada e espero que goste ;)
Thank you and hope you enjoy it ;
Aqui esta a receita | Here's the recipe
The dessert that I always eat at parties no matter what is Biscuit Cake. I love this cake since a kid, and despite being easy to be made, I have never made it until yesterday.
A receita 'e mesmo simples, e não sei porque 'e que nunca a tinha feito antes.
Its very simple, and I really don't know why I have never made it before.
So 'e preciso :
2 Pacotes de Bolacha Maria
250 g de Manteiga
1 Chávena de chá de açúcar em pó
3 Gemas
O equivalente a 4 expressos de café.

2 Packets of tea biscuits ( Bolacha Maria )
250 g of butter
1 Cup of icing sugar
3 Egg yolks
4 Expressos.
Primeiro : Bate-se a manteiga, ligeiramente amolecida, ate ficar com uma cor mais clara.
Segundo : Adiciona-se o açúcar, e continue a bater.
Terceiro : Adicione as gemas, e continue a bater ate ficar uma massa homogénea.

First : Beat the butter, until it reaches a lighter color.
Second : Add the sugar and keep on mixing.
Third : Add the egg yolks and keep on mixing it until its all mixed together.
Enquanto esta no processo de bater o creme, faca o cafe. E deixe arrefecer um bocado. Ponha açúcar no café.
While doing this cream, make the coffee. And let it cool down a bit and put sugar on it.
De seguida, molhe as bolachas no café e ponha-as em forma de circulo, com uma bolacha no meio, e por cima ponha o creme de manteiga - que serve de "cimento" -, ponha outra camada de bolachas e o creme por cima, e assim o faca ate acabar as bolachas. E cubra o bolo com o resto do creme. Em cima e dos lados

Next, wet the biscuits into the coffee and place them in a circle shape, with one of the biscuits in the middle, put the cream on top - it works as "cement " -, put another layer of biscuits and the cream, and keep on doing it until you finish all the biscuits. Cover the cake with the cream mixture. On top and on the sides.
Caso tenha algumas bolachas partidas, esmigalhe-as e ponha por cima do bolo.

If you have some broken biscuits, crumble them and put on top of the cake.
Leve ao frigorífico por 1 hora e meia.

Put on the fridge for 1 hour and a half.
E depois 'e só servir.
Serve it cool
Obrigada e espero que goste ;)
Thank you and hope you enjoy it ;
Aqui esta a receita | Here's the recipe
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
Cat eyes for dummies ;)
Uma maquilhagem que eu realmente adoro e acho sensual e ao mesmo tempo aceitável para o dia-a-dia 'e Cat Eyes. 'E um bocado de dor de cabeça para fazer, mas 'e super fácil No inicio tinha algumas dificuldades, mas depois fui ganhando pratica e agora faço o num instantinho. E a uns tempos encontrei uma maneira mesmo simples de fazer, e gostaria eu de ter encontrando quando descobri as maravilhas do eye-liner.

If there is a make-up style that I really love and think its sexy at the same time and acceptable for a normal day, its Cat Eyes. Its quite a headache to do it when you don't know how to, but with time or experience you realize how easy it is. At the beggining I had a had time with it, mas then I got experience and now I do it in 2 minutes. Some time ago I found out a easy way to do it, and I wish I had knew it before, when I found out the eye-liner.
'E necessário fita-cola, eye liner e rimel. A base e o corrector 'e opcional.
You'll need tape, eye-liner and mascara. The foundation and concealer part its optional.
1. Primeiro limpa-se a pele, e se quiser ponha corrector e base.
1. First clean and prepare your skin, and if you want to, conceal what you need and put your foundation.

2. De seguida, corte 2 pedaços de fita-cola e ponha nos cantos dos olhos em direcao as suas sobrancelhas.
2. Cut the small pieces of tape, and stick them on the outter corner of yours eyes.
3. Faca a sua linha, pode ser grossa ou fina, como quiser. Pode cobrir o olho todo ou so 3/4.

4.Continue your line very close to the tape, and make a little triangle, according to the thickness of your line. Let it dry and remove the tape. If necessary, fix the mistakes and in need put on foundation to the places that the tape might have it removed.
5.Passe uma boa camada de rimel.
5.Put on some mascara, making tou lashes look as good as you desire.
Pode contrastar com um batom forte ou um batom claro. O que achar mais adequado para o evento que for.
You can wear it with a bold lipstick or with a light one, as you wish. And whats more apropriate to the place you're going to .
Boa sorte ;)
Good luck ;)

If there is a make-up style that I really love and think its sexy at the same time and acceptable for a normal day, its Cat Eyes. Its quite a headache to do it when you don't know how to, but with time or experience you realize how easy it is. At the beggining I had a had time with it, mas then I got experience and now I do it in 2 minutes. Some time ago I found out a easy way to do it, and I wish I had knew it before, when I found out the eye-liner.
'E necessário fita-cola, eye liner e rimel. A base e o corrector 'e opcional.
You'll need tape, eye-liner and mascara. The foundation and concealer part its optional.
1. Primeiro limpa-se a pele, e se quiser ponha corrector e base.
1. First clean and prepare your skin, and if you want to, conceal what you need and put your foundation.

2. De seguida, corte 2 pedaços de fita-cola e ponha nos cantos dos olhos em direcao as suas sobrancelhas.
2. Cut the small pieces of tape, and stick them on the outter corner of yours eyes.
3. Faca a sua linha, pode ser grossa ou fina, como quiser. Pode cobrir o olho todo ou so 3/4.
3. Line your eye, it can be a thin or thick line. You choose. It can cover the whole eye or just 3/4.
4. Continue a sua linha traçando mesmo rente a fita-cola, de forma a fazer uma especie de trianguluzinho pequenininho de acordo com a grossura da sua linha. Deixe secar um bocadinho e tire a fita-cola. Se for necessario, corrija alguns erros que possa ter e tambem a base
4. Continue a sua linha traçando mesmo rente a fita-cola, de forma a fazer uma especie de trianguluzinho pequenininho de acordo com a grossura da sua linha. Deixe secar um bocadinho e tire a fita-cola. Se for necessario, corrija alguns erros que possa ter e tambem a base

4.Continue your line very close to the tape, and make a little triangle, according to the thickness of your line. Let it dry and remove the tape. If necessary, fix the mistakes and in need put on foundation to the places that the tape might have it removed.
5.Passe uma boa camada de rimel.
5.Put on some mascara, making tou lashes look as good as you desire.
Pode contrastar com um batom forte ou um batom claro. O que achar mais adequado para o evento que for.
You can wear it with a bold lipstick or with a light one, as you wish. And whats more apropriate to the place you're going to .
Boa sorte ;)
Good luck ;)
Friday, 18 October 2013
Vibes ♪ ♫
Daughter - Smother
Very calm song, perfect for a rainy day or when you just need to think or be relaxed. Really fancing it.
Tiago Iorc - Its a fluke.
This is a brazialian guy, with one of the prettiest songs EVER! From the very first I heard it, it got stuck in my head and I just can't seem not to sing it everyday. Its quite a romantic song, very calm, with the piano in the back, and soft voice, singing it with some calm. Its adorable.
Dillon - Thirteen Thirtyfive.
This song makes me think about the fifties, though I believe it has nothing to do with the fifties songs style. Its calm, but at the same time has a good rythm, that will make you glance your body according to the melody. I love the fact that the voice is a little bit hoarsely and the finger snapping.
BOY - Skin
Enjoyed the guittar at the beggining, and the way her voice goes with the melody. Its that kind of song to relax, or for a long ride just to forget your thoughts.
Youth - Daughters
This song its just perfect. I seriously can't describe it. Her voice is so soft and gentle, and the melody its quite calm in the beggining, and it increases it velocity as the music goes. Her voice kinda reminds me of Florence, from Florence and the Machine.
Bon Iver - Skinny Love
I've known this song for over an year, and from the very first moment I heard it, I was simply in love with it. Its so pretty, but sad, because they are stuck in that tough situation, called Skinny Love. There's another version of this song by Birdy. I don't like it that much, because of her high notes, or maybe because I found this version first and like it a lot. But I do advice both of them.
Jason Mraz - I won't give up.
Personally, I don't like Jason Mraz, but when I heard this song, because the music is very soft, it made me appreciate it. I really liked the lyrics on this song, its very very pretty, and his voice just made everything better.
Passenger - Let her go ( Cover, by Beth )
From the very first moment I heard " Let her go " I was in love with the song, and I over-heard it. So, I reached the point that I was sick of it, but because I truly love the lyrics and the meaning of the song, I looked for some covers, and this girl. Oh my god. This girl, she has such a perfect voice and made me fall for this song again. Its very beautiful and above all, she make it even better.
Frank Ocean - Thinkin bout you
I don't know much about Frank Ocean, but this song just got stuck in my head, and I couldn't stop thinking how pretty is it. I really like it. Its so gentle, and meaningfull and I do apreciate the fact that his voice is quite smoth and that he can reach a few high points.
Lorde - Tennis Court.
I found out this song yesterday, and I am just in love with it. I love the rythm, that it starts slow, and then it gets a little bit more " shaky " . The beggining reminds me of Born to die - Lana del Rey. But its something completly different. The songs its amazing. And I was astonished with the fact that she is one year younger than me, and already has a song that its a Hit - Royals - Lorde.
bon iver,
frank ocean,
jason mraz,
tiago iorc,
Monday, 14 October 2013
D.I.Y Beauty products

Ola :)
Durante esta ultima semana estive super atarefada e nem no fim de semana tive algum descanco, o que impediu-me de actualiza o blog.
Hello :)
During the previous week I was really busy and didn't even had time on the weekend to post anything here.
Ultimamente tenho andado a procura de produtos mais naturais para usar no meu corpo. E encontrei 2 coisas fantasticas. Um esfoliante e um desmaquilhante. Sem razoes alguma de queixa :D
Lately, I've been looking for more natural body products. And I found 2 amazing products. A body scrub and a make-up remover. Had no reason to complain, which is great ! :D
Há uns tempos atrás comprei uma frasco de acetona da Sephora, que diferencia-se dos outros tipos de acetona à que estava habituada. Este era de enfiar o dedo, mexer um bocado e voile! So, que, infelizmente a acetona acabou, e durante 1 ano andei a pensar como 'e que poderia recriar aquele frasco. E ha umas semanas, encontrei um tutorial no youtube, e decidi fazer.

Couple years ago, I bought this nail polish remover on Sephora, which is different than the others I was using previously. This one, was to stick the finger,move a little bit and voile. But, unfortunately it fineshed, and during a year I have been thinking if I could do that specific nail polish remover. And couple weeks ago, I found a tutorial on youtube, and I decided to give it a try.
'E um processo muito simples. 'E necessário : 1 frasco ( usei um de comida de bebe )
1 Frasco de acetona
2 Esponjas
1 Tesoura

Its very simple. You'll need: 1 jar ( I used a baby food jar )
1 Nail polish bottle
2 sponges
1 scissor
Caso esteja a usar uma esponja com a parte verde em cima, separe a esponja da parte verde. Corte as esponjas à metade. Ponha uma das metades no fundo do frasco. E pegue nas 2 outras metades e ponha dobrado dentro do frasco, certifique-se que há espaço para por o seu dedo. Por ultimo, deite a acetona e feche o frasco. - para não evaporar. Esta pronto à usar.

In case you're using a sponge with that green part on top, separate. Cut both of the sponges in half. Put one of the halves on te bottom of the jar. And bend the other 2 pieces of sponge and put on each side of the jar, making sure there is space to stick your finger. Last, but not least, pour in the nail polish remover and close the jar - so it won't evaporte. And its ready to use.
E também a procura de projectos de D.I.Y, há cerca de um mês e meio, encontrei um tutorial de um desmaquilhante D.I.Y. 'E muito simples de se fazer e o resultado 'e fantástico.
1 frasco - pode ser um de compota, ou um mais comprido. Usei um de piri-piri ( LAVEI COM MUITO CUIDADO E ATENÇÃO )
2 Dedos de Champô de bebe ( 1 Colher de Sopa. )
1 Dedo de Óleo de bebe ou azeite de oliveira ( 1 colher de Sobremesa )
Agua, q.b

And while looking for some D.I.Y, about a month ago, and I found a D.I.Y make up remover. Its also very easy to make and the result its just great.
1 jar or bottle - it can be a jam container ( I used a chilli one - WASHED VERY CAREFULLY AND WITH LOADS OF ATTENTION )
2 fingers of baby shampoo ( 1 Tbl spoon )
1 finger of baby oil or Olive oil ( 1 dessert spoon )
Deite o champô para o seu frasco, ponha o oleo ou azeite de seguida, com muito cuidado, encha de agua ate ao fim. Agite um bocado, e agite sempre antes de usar.
Pour the shampoo to the container, add the oil and carefully, fill it with water. Shake a little bit and before use.
Em momento algum queixei-me do resultado. E graças ao óleo de bebe, tem um aroma agradável e remove devidamente o rimel.
Do lado esquerodo, depois de tirar a maquiagem com este demaquaiante | On the left after removing my make-up with this make-up remover |
E por ultimo, o esfoliante. Ainda procura de produtos naturais para o corpo, encontrei este esfoliante fantastico. Anteriormente, usava uma da Body Shop, e quando acabou, passeia usar acucar e gel de banho para esfoliar, mas nao atingia um resultado completamente satisfatorio. Ate que encontrei este. Tambem 'e muito simples de fazer e o material esta quase todo em casa.
2 Chavenas de acucar.
3/4 de Chaveva de Oleo ou Azeite
Sumo de meio limao ou lima
1/2 meia colher de cha Corante cor de rosa ou vermelho ( opcional )

1 Jar ( chose one that can you can fit your hand in )
2 Cups of sugar.
3/4 of a cup with olive oil or Oil.
Juice of half a lemon or lime.
1/2 tea spoon with food colorant pink or red ( optional )
Misture o açúcar e o óleo Adicione o sumo de limão e se quiser, ponha o corante. Preste atenção à quantidade, pois não quererá ficar com a pela rosada ou avermelhada.
Mix the sugar and oil. Add the lemon juice, and if you want to, add the colorant. Caution on the quantity, I bet you do not want to look pinkish or red.
Leve para o banho consigo, use-o no seu corpo, e não se esqueça de passar por agua e gel ou sabonete, após o seu uso.
Take it with you to the shower, and use it on your body, e don't forget to wash it off.
Se quiser, pode fazer o esfoliante e oferecer como uma prenda às suas amigas, e tambem pode alterar as cores do corante e adicionar alguma essencia, como laranja, banana, ananás, limão, menta ou o que quiser.
If you want, you can do the body scrub as a gift for your friends, and you can also change the colors and add some essence, like orange, banana, mint, lemon, pinneapple or whatever you want.
Obrigada, e ate a proxima. :D
Thank you, and until the next time ;)
Sunday, 6 October 2013
Apple Crumble and Homemade Ice Cream
Ola ola :)
Depois de um bom merecido fim de semana longo vim cá actualizar isto.
Na sexta, estive com uma amiga e ajudei-lhe a arrumar o guarda-fato num sistema de cores e o mesmo fiz aos sapatos dela.
Hello, hello.
After a well deserved long weekend I came here to actualize this.
On friend, I spent the day with a mate and helped her organizer her closet with a color scheme and did the same with her shoes.
E ontem, no sábado, decidi fazer um Apple Crumble com gelado caseiro. Encontrei a receita do apple crumble nesse link e a do gelado neste link.
And yesterday, I made an Apple Crumble with home made ice cream. I found the apple crumble recipe here and the ice cream here.

São muito simples de se fazerem e não requer muito tempo.
Both of the recipies are very easy to make and it doesn't take a long time.
Pré-aqueça o forno a 180 C/ 350 F / 4 no forno a gás.
Pre-heat oven at180 C / 350 F / Gas 4
Para o Apple Crumble só 'e necessário
Meio quilo de macas,
1 colher de sopa de farinha
Meia chávena de açúcar castanho
Canela a gosto.
For the Apple Crumble you'll need
Half a kilo of apples
1 Tbs of Flour
1/2 Cup of brown sugar
Ground Cinammon
Descasca-se as macas, cortam-se aos pedaços e junta-se a farinha, açúcar e a canela.
Unpeel the apple, cut in cubes, put on a bowl, add the flour, sugar and cinnamon.
Se quiser optar por um trago de álcool, pode regar a fruta com brandy, conhaque, whisky ou bourbon.
If you're seeking for a tinny taste of alcohol, feel free to soak the fruit into brandy, cognac, whiskey or bourbon.
E para o " Crumble " precisa de
2 chavenas e meia de farinha.
1 chavena de açúcar castanho
200 gramas de manteiga, cortada em cubos.

For the Crumble it will be necessary
2 cups and a half of flour.
1 Cup of brown sugar
200 g of butter, cutted into cubes.
Junte a farinha e o açúcar e misture, e vá deitando a manteiga ate a mistura toda ficar semelhante a migalhas de pão.

On a bowl add the flour, sugar and mix it and toss the butter until the mixture resembles bread crumbs.
De seguida, ira untar o recipiente, que possa ir ao forno, em que ira servir esta sobremesa, ponha a maca e por cima ponha o crumble .
E ponha no forno durante 40 a 45 minutos.
Afterwards, grease a container, that is oven proof, and put the apple mixture and on top put the crumble.
Put on the oven for about 40 to 45 minutes.

E para o gelado.
Sera necessario :
2 vagens de baunilha ou 1 colher de sopa de essencia de baunilha.
500 ml de natas.
1/2 chavena de acucar.
3 gemas de ovo.

For the ice-cream
2 vanilla ponds or 1 tbs of vanilla essence.
500ml of Cream ( or dobble cream )
1/2 Cup of suga
3 Egg yolk
Raspe as sementes da baunillha e ponha as vagens nas natas e leve a ferver. De seguida adicione acucar e mexa ate o acucar se dissolver.
Entretanto, bata as gemas e ponha devagar na mistura das natas.
Deite esta mistura num recipiente que possa ir ao congelador e se quiser, adicione as sementes de baunilha e ponha no congelador.
Halve the vanilla pods lengthways and scrape out the seeds. Add the pods to the cream and bring to the boil, then add the sugar and stir until the sugar has dissolved.
Mean while, whisk the yolks and and slowly mix into the cream mixture.
Pour the mixture into a freeze free container, and if you choose to, add the vanilla seeds and freeze it.

'E mesmo bom , e realmente acabou RAPIDO aqui em casa. Aconselho a comer quente com o gelado.
Its very delicous, and it finished SO FAST!! I advice to eat it while hot with the ice-cream.
Depois de um bom merecido fim de semana longo vim cá actualizar isto.
Na sexta, estive com uma amiga e ajudei-lhe a arrumar o guarda-fato num sistema de cores e o mesmo fiz aos sapatos dela.
Hello, hello.
After a well deserved long weekend I came here to actualize this.
On friend, I spent the day with a mate and helped her organizer her closet with a color scheme and did the same with her shoes.
E ontem, no sábado, decidi fazer um Apple Crumble com gelado caseiro. Encontrei a receita do apple crumble nesse link e a do gelado neste link.
And yesterday, I made an Apple Crumble with home made ice cream. I found the apple crumble recipe here and the ice cream here.

São muito simples de se fazerem e não requer muito tempo.
Both of the recipies are very easy to make and it doesn't take a long time.
Pré-aqueça o forno a 180 C/ 350 F / 4 no forno a gás.
Pre-heat oven at180 C / 350 F / Gas 4
Para o Apple Crumble só 'e necessário
Meio quilo de macas,
1 colher de sopa de farinha
Meia chávena de açúcar castanho
Canela a gosto.
For the Apple Crumble you'll need
Half a kilo of apples
1 Tbs of Flour
1/2 Cup of brown sugar
Ground Cinammon

Unpeel the apple, cut in cubes, put on a bowl, add the flour, sugar and cinnamon.
Se quiser optar por um trago de álcool, pode regar a fruta com brandy, conhaque, whisky ou bourbon.
If you're seeking for a tinny taste of alcohol, feel free to soak the fruit into brandy, cognac, whiskey or bourbon.
2 chavenas e meia de farinha.
1 chavena de açúcar castanho
200 gramas de manteiga, cortada em cubos.

For the Crumble it will be necessary
2 cups and a half of flour.
1 Cup of brown sugar
200 g of butter, cutted into cubes.
Junte a farinha e o açúcar e misture, e vá deitando a manteiga ate a mistura toda ficar semelhante a migalhas de pão.
On a bowl add the flour, sugar and mix it and toss the butter until the mixture resembles bread crumbs.
De seguida, ira untar o recipiente, que possa ir ao forno, em que ira servir esta sobremesa, ponha a maca e por cima ponha o crumble .
E ponha no forno durante 40 a 45 minutos.
Afterwards, grease a container, that is oven proof, and put the apple mixture and on top put the crumble.
Put on the oven for about 40 to 45 minutes.
E para o gelado.
Sera necessario :
2 vagens de baunilha ou 1 colher de sopa de essencia de baunilha.
500 ml de natas.
1/2 chavena de acucar.
3 gemas de ovo.

For the ice-cream
2 vanilla ponds or 1 tbs of vanilla essence.
500ml of Cream ( or dobble cream )
1/2 Cup of suga
3 Egg yolk
Raspe as sementes da baunillha e ponha as vagens nas natas e leve a ferver. De seguida adicione acucar e mexa ate o acucar se dissolver.
Entretanto, bata as gemas e ponha devagar na mistura das natas.
Deite esta mistura num recipiente que possa ir ao congelador e se quiser, adicione as sementes de baunilha e ponha no congelador.
Halve the vanilla pods lengthways and scrape out the seeds. Add the pods to the cream and bring to the boil, then add the sugar and stir until the sugar has dissolved.
Mean while, whisk the yolks and and slowly mix into the cream mixture.
Pour the mixture into a freeze free container, and if you choose to, add the vanilla seeds and freeze it.
Wednesday, 2 October 2013
House of Holland Spring/ Summer 2014
Ola :D
Na sexta feira estava a ver TV e decidi ver o que estava a dar na Fashion Tv. E encontrei um desfile da Semana da Moda de Londres e ADOREI!! E decidi partilhar aqui no blog.

As minhas preferidas | My favourites
Percebi que a colecção era inspirada nos anos 50. E que houve uma grande influencia de tons femininos e de padrões floridos e geométricos Adorei a combinação com as sandálias que se usaram, deu um aspecto de frescura e assentou lindamente com as indumentarias.
Realmente, acho que poderia ver estas vestes a serem utilizadas em varias cidades do Mundo inteiro. Não 'e nada demasiado extravagante, parece ser bastante confortável e pratico para o dia a dia ou para ambientes mais requintados.
A maior parte desta colecção são vestidos e saias. E a própria passarele estava vestida a rigor, com um padrão que tinha nuvens brancas e rosa com um fundo azul
Esta colecção 'e da House of Holland, do designer Henry Holland, nascido em Ramsbottom, Inglaterra e formou-se posteriormente em London College of Printing. E já era estilista antes de criar a sua própria marca. Henry Holland desenha para mulheres com uma mente estética e gosta de ver as mulheres a usarem as suas criações a sua maneira.
Caso queiram ver o site dele ou ver a colecao 'e so irem aos links.
Publiquei neste post as pecas que mais gostei.
Obrigada .
Hello :D
On friday while watching TV, I found a fashion show from London Fashion Week and I LOVED IT! So, I decided to share it on the blog.
I realized that the collection was inspired on the 50's and that there was an influence on female colors and geometric and floral patterns. I really loved the sandals the models wore, it gave a fresh look and looked amazing with the clothes.
Seriously, I think I could see these collection on the streets everywhere. Its nothing too extravagant, seems very confortable and pratic for an everyday ocasion of for something more fancy. And its quite trendy.
This collection has more skirts and dresses than shorts and pants. The catwalk was also dressed to match the collection. It had white and pink clouds and a blue background.
This collection is from House of Holland by Henry Holland, born in Ramsbottom, England and graduated from London College of Printing. He was already a stylist before creating his own label.
Henry Holland says that his ideal clients are “ (..) London girl’s aesthetic in mind and love to see girls wearing my designs in their own unique way.”
In case you would like to see his website or collection click on the links
Thank you

Na sexta feira estava a ver TV e decidi ver o que estava a dar na Fashion Tv. E encontrei um desfile da Semana da Moda de Londres e ADOREI!! E decidi partilhar aqui no blog.

As minhas preferidas | My favourites
Percebi que a colecção era inspirada nos anos 50. E que houve uma grande influencia de tons femininos e de padrões floridos e geométricos Adorei a combinação com as sandálias que se usaram, deu um aspecto de frescura e assentou lindamente com as indumentarias.
Realmente, acho que poderia ver estas vestes a serem utilizadas em varias cidades do Mundo inteiro. Não 'e nada demasiado extravagante, parece ser bastante confortável e pratico para o dia a dia ou para ambientes mais requintados.
A maior parte desta colecção são vestidos e saias. E a própria passarele estava vestida a rigor, com um padrão que tinha nuvens brancas e rosa com um fundo azul
Esta colecção 'e da House of Holland, do designer Henry Holland, nascido em Ramsbottom, Inglaterra e formou-se posteriormente em London College of Printing. E já era estilista antes de criar a sua própria marca. Henry Holland desenha para mulheres com uma mente estética e gosta de ver as mulheres a usarem as suas criações a sua maneira.
Caso queiram ver o site dele ou ver a colecao 'e so irem aos links.
Publiquei neste post as pecas que mais gostei.
Obrigada .
On friday while watching TV, I found a fashion show from London Fashion Week and I LOVED IT! So, I decided to share it on the blog.
I realized that the collection was inspired on the 50's and that there was an influence on female colors and geometric and floral patterns. I really loved the sandals the models wore, it gave a fresh look and looked amazing with the clothes.
Seriously, I think I could see these collection on the streets everywhere. Its nothing too extravagant, seems very confortable and pratic for an everyday ocasion of for something more fancy. And its quite trendy.
This collection has more skirts and dresses than shorts and pants. The catwalk was also dressed to match the collection. It had white and pink clouds and a blue background.
This collection is from House of Holland by Henry Holland, born in Ramsbottom, England and graduated from London College of Printing. He was already a stylist before creating his own label.
Henry Holland says that his ideal clients are “ (..) London girl’s aesthetic in mind and love to see girls wearing my designs in their own unique way.”
In case you would like to see his website or collection click on the links
Thank you

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